Below is a list of current vacancies on Boards and Commissions in London Grove Township. For more information on these vacancies please contact the Township Building at 610-345-0100.
Inniscrone Golf Course Advisory Committee (3) * Historical Commission (1)
Term: 1/1/22-12/31/24 Term: 1/1/23-12/31/25
Term: 1/1/22-12/31/24
Term: 1/1/23-12/31/25
Uniform Construction Code Board of Appeals (3) * Agricultural Security Area (2)
Term: 1/1/24-12/31/26 No Set Terms
Term: 1/1/24-12/31/26
Term: 1/1/24-12/31/26
Uniform Construction Code Board of Appeals Alternates (2) *Township Auditors (2)
Term: 1/1/21-12/31/25 Term: 1/1/22-12/31/27
Term: 1/1/24-12/31/26 Term: 1/1/20-12/31/25
Environmental Advisory Council (3) * Tree Committee (5)
Term: 1/1/23-12/31/25 Term: 1/1/24-12/31/25
Term: 1/1/22-12/31/24 Term: 1/1/24-12/31/25
Term: 1/1/23-12/31/25 Term: 1/1/24-12/31/25
Term: 1/1/23-12/31/24
Term: 1/1/23-12/31/24
Golf Course Advisory Committee:
To assist in monitoring the current operations and developing a long-term strategic plan for the Inniscrone Golf Course. Provide consultation to the Supervisors regarding the ownership of Inniscrone and work with the management team to take full advantage of their knowledge and experience. Consult with the Supervisors on the development and monitoring of a long-term strategic plan to improve the golf course and facilities resulting in increased play and revenue. Monitor Inniscrone’s current operations and financial performance.
Board of Auditors:
The Board of Auditors is a 3 member elected board required by the Second Class Township Code. It is an elected office term of 6 years. They act as a supplement to the hired professional auditing firm. The board is responsible for reviewing all newspaper advertisements, annual audit, capital projects/initiatives, equipment inventory and public works training records.
Environmental Advisory Council (EAC):
The EAC meets at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Monday of the month at the Township Building. The EAC is a 7 member board that holds 3 year terms and is appointed by the Board of Supervisors.
Responsibilities of the EAC are improving water quality. Recent efforts the EAC has made toward that goal include:
Assisting with the Township’s Storm Water Management Program
Helping the public understand the environmental consequences of decisions they make
Participating in the White Clay Creek Management Committee programs
Promoting action on environmental issues
Promoting riparian buffers
Providing information to the elected officials and the various Township Commissions/Boards
Reviewing Southeastern Chester County Refuse Authority (SECCRA) well monitoring reports.
Tree Advisory Board:
The Tree Advisory Committee is a 5 member board appointed by the Board of Supervisors. The terms are 5 years and the first 5 members should be staggered. The Tree Advisory Committee is responsible to study, investigate, counsel, and develop and/or update annually, and administer a written plan for the care, preservation, pruning, planting, replanting, removal or disposition of Street Trees and Park Trees. Such plan will be reviewed and submitted annually to the Board of Supervisors and upon their acceptance and approval shall constitute the official comprehensive tree plan for London Grove Township.
Historical Commission:
The Historical Commission serves as an advisory capacity for historical preservation information facilitation to the citizens of the Township. The commission shall:
Identify significant architectural, historical, and natural sites in the Township and to maintain a detailed inventory and map(s) of these historic resources including informational data appropriately classified. Create an awareness of the history of the Township from the Native Americans to the present day. Including their cultural, agricultural, business, educational and religious endeavors. Research and record the history of the Township and serve as an advisory resource for owners of historic sites involved with preservation and/or restoration. Prepare appropriate reports for the Board of Supervisors, as well as reports which may be requested by the Board of Supervisors. Cooperate with and advise the Board of Supervisors, the Planning Commission, and all Township Officials and Agencies in relation to the preservation and restoration of significant historical structures, sites and natural features including the review of zoning and/or subdivision/land development proposals and building/demolition permit applications which have the potential to impact on historical resources. Consider, promote and with the approval of the Board of Supervisors, to apply for technical and financial assistance from all appropriate local, county, state, federal, and other agencies in the preservation of significant architectural, natural, and historical sites within the Township, and to report all related action to the Board of Supervisors. Prepare and submit a yearly budget to the Board of Supervisors for sums deemed necessary to carry out the objectives. The Historical Commission consist of a minimum of 5 members who must be residents of the Township. They serve a 3 year term. A member may serve on the commission for no more than 2 consecutive 3-year terms. The Historical Commission will hold monthly meetings and submit periodic reports to the Board of Supervisors.
Agricultural Security Area Advisory Committee:
The Agricultural Security Area Advisory Committee meets as needed. The ASA Board consist of three active farmers, each representing a different private or corporate farm, and one member of the Board of Supervisors who shall serve as chairman of the committee. The members of the Agricultural Security Area Advisory Committee are appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Board of Supervisors.
The committee advises the Board of Supervisors and works with the Planning Commission in relation to the proposed establishment, modification, and termination of agricultural security. The committee shall render expert advice relating to the desirability of such action, including advice as to the nature of farming and farm resources within the proposed area and the relation of farming in such area to the Board of Supervisors. The Agricultural Security Area Advisory Committee has 45 days to report to the governing body its recommendation concerning the proposal and proposed modifications.
Uniform Construction Code Board of Appeals:
The UCC Board of Appeals consist of 5 members and 2 alternate members appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Board of Appeals members must be qualified by training and experience to pass on matters pertaining to building construction. Training and experience must consist of licensure as an architect or engineer, experience in the construction industry, and training or experience as an inspector or plan reviewer.