Planning & Zoning
Planning and Zoning Departmental responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Handling day-to-day activities such as handling inquiries, issuing permits, enforcement, etc.
- Planning activities such as the Comprehensive Plan
- Processing appeals to the Zoning Hearing Board
- Reviewing and approving of subdivision and/or land development plans
- Reviewing and commenting on planning studies
- Suggesting amendments to the Zoning and Subdivision/Land Development ordinances
The London Grove Township Code of Ordinances have been codified for the ease of the end user. You can now access all London Grove Township Codes by clicking the link below.
For the updated 2018 Zoning Ordinance please click the link updated zoning ordinance 2018. This has not yet been included in the codification.
Updated Zoning Ordinance 2018
Township Code Of Ordinances
Department Staff
The Planning and Zoning Department is administered by:
- Ken Battin, Township Manager/Zoning Officer
- Brian Elwood, Director of Codes and Life Safety/Assi. Zoning Officer
- Dawn Maciejczyk, Assistant Township Manager/Township Secretary
Administration of the department also requires the assistance of professionals such as the Township Engineer and Township Solicitor. The Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors also play significant roles in carrying out the responsibilities of this department.