ATTENTION – ALL LONDON GROVE PROPERTY OWNERS WITH PROPERTY CURRENTLY IN OR NEAR A FLOOD PLAIN – FEMA is updating the flood risk study for the Brandywine-Christina Watershed, which includes London Grove Township (the Township is located in the White Clay Creek Watershed, which is a sub-set of the larger Brandywine-Christina). As a part of the study, the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) are being updated for our Township. The updated maps may impact your property in regard to your purchase of flood insurance and/or Township flood plain regulations. Currently FEMA is entering a 90-day appeal period, which will end on or about August 30, 2016. Property owners have the ability to make both appeals (must be based on technical data) and comments. Please review the maps and documents provided below and, if desired, submit your appeal or comments to the Township. The Township will in turn provide the information to FEMA.
- FEMA – Flood Map Service Center
- FEMA – Understanding the Changes to your Community’s Flood Insurance Rate Map
- FEMA – Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA)
- FEMA – Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM)
Additional Information
Brandywine Christina Watershed Status Report Winter 2015