Planning Commission


  • The Planning Commission meets at 7:00 p.m. on the last Wednesday of the month at the Township Building.


  • Kurt Engleman, Chairman
  • Christina Fanning
  • Robert Vanella
  • Charlie Owens
  • Patrick Tucci
  • Charles Shock
  • Todd Pawlowski


One of the primary responsibilities of the Planning Commission is to review subdivision and land development plans. The Commission must review all plans before they go to the Board of Supervisors. Their review is assisted by the comments of professional consultants such as the Township Engineer, the Township Solicitor and Staff. After their review, the Planning Commission makes recommendations that are provided to the Board of Supervisors.

Another responsibility of the Planning Commission is to prepare and/or update the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan is a blueprint or vision for how the Township intends to grow for a 20 year period. The Commission is responsible for making sure the Plan is up-to-date and relevant.

A third responsibility of the Planning Commission is to recommend amendments to the Township’s land use ordinances; specifically the Zoning Ordinance and the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance. They utilize these ordinances in their review of development plans and often see areas in which the ordinance can be improved. The Commission will also review and comment on proposals from private parties to amend the ordinances.