Municipal Authority Board Members

  • Richard Scott-Harper, Chairman
  • Douglas Ward, Vice Chairman
  • Gerald Yeatman, Member
  • Stephen Zurl, Member
  • Kurt Engleman

Incorporation – London Grove Township Municipal Authority was incorporated in March of 1968. The incorporation   was  in  compliance   with   the requirements of the Act of May 2, 1945, P. L. 382, as amended, known as the “Municipality Authorities Act of 1945.”Purpose

In London Grove Township, the primary purpose of the Authority is to provide public water and sewer to residents within the areas designated for the use. Every authority incorporated under this chapter shall be for the following purposes.

Goal – London Grove Township Municipal Authority’s utmost goal is to provide the best possible service to its residents served by public water and sewer. We are proud to be a lagoon treatment/spray irrigation Township and will continue to strive for environmental excellence. The importance of disposal of wastewater through groundwater recharge is innovative and its significance to future generations immeasurable.

London Grove Township Municipal Authority recognizes the importance of groundwater recharge and stream preservation and its magnitude of impact to the future of London Grove Township’s residents. You Can Conserve Water Water is a precious commodity! Please do your part to help our environment and conserve water!


  • Sewage treatment works, including works for treating and disposing of industrial waste
  • Sewer systems or parts thereof
  • Sewers
  • Water distribution systems
  • Water supply works
  • Waterworks


  • Acquiring
  • Constructing
  • Financing working capital
  • Financing
  • Holding
  • Improving
  • Maintaining and operating
  • Owning or leasing


When the 1st Monday is an official holiday the meeting will be held the preceding Monday.

6:00 PM 1st Monday of every other month Township Building
372 Rose Hill Road
West Grove, 19390

When the 1st Monday is an official holiday the meeting will be held the preceding Monday. Water & Sewer Billing – London Grove Township Municipal Authority’s water/sewer bills are mailed each quarter in January, April, July, and October by the 15th of the month.    The water and sewer bills are a bright yellow postcard.  The past due notices are a bright pink postcard which are mailed out after 30 days of non-payment. Payments may be mailed, paid in person or placed in Payment Drop Box located outside the Municipal Authority Entrance.  You may also visit, “Online Payments” section to view your account balances or to make an online payment at any time.  There is a convenience fee to pay your bill online.

Water & Sewer Billing – London Grove Township Municipal Authority’s water/sewer bills are mailed each quarter in January, April, July, and October by the 15th of the month.    The water and sewer bills are a bright yellow postcard.  The past due notices are a bright pink postcard which are mailed out after 30 days of non-payment. Payments may be mailed, paid in person or placed in Payment Drop Box located outside the Municipal Authority Entrance.  You may also visit, “Online Payments” section to view your account balances or to make an online payment at any time.  There is a convenience fee to pay your bill online.

What to Do When Selling Your Home

When selling your home, please call the Utility Billing Department to apply for a Water & Sewer Certification. London Grove Township must have the completed application and fee of $50.00 when the Certification and Final Reading is requested. The Building Code Official will ask when completing the Use and Occupancy Inspection if the Water/Sewer Certification has been requested and the fee has been received.

Our Water Operator will go out and read the meter the week of Settlement. A representative from Utility Billing will email your Certification with the bill for your final water/sewer reading for closing at that time.

During closing you will issue a check for your final water/sewer reading.

If the settlement date changes please email or call the Township as soon as you are aware and we will do our best to accommodate you as much as possible.