Commercial Recycling
London Grove Township is a recycling mandated community under State Law Act 101. Under this Act the Township developed and passed a recycling and trash ordinance in April 2004 and updated in 2008. This ordinance requires that all residents and commercial entities recycle the following material:
- Aluminum and Bimetal Cans
- Branches
- Cardboard
- Christmas Trees
- Glass
- Leaves
- Paper
- Plastics Number 1 and Number 2
Multiple haulers provide recycling services in our community. The commercial entity is responsible for choosing a waste and recycling contractor, providing the establishment with recycling once you contract with them.
All materials listed on the Residential Recycling page are required to be collected by your contracted hauler. Some haulers servicing the Township provide single stream recycling, which allows all materials to be placed in 1 receptacle, this is allowed within the Township.
If you rent space at multi-establishment business park or shopping center that provides trash disposal they must also provide recycling for you.
Beverage Sales
If you provide or sell beverages or other items in recyclable containers you are required by ordinance to provide a recycling receptacle for your patrons.
Green Business Award
All Chester County retail, small businesses, manufacturing, and institutions are invited to participate in the Green Business Award Program.